Saturday, May 19, 2007


Once upon a time there was a special tribe of people. Some people have travel in their blood, and must go back to the sea, or buy a plain ticket, or move to the next town. Others have fits of inspiration to paint beautiful scenes. A few blessed people grace the world with their music. And there is this tribe, who like them gets inspired to write. The God-imitating act of creativity flows through their pen and won't stop for food or sleep until every word of the imagination is captured on the page. The result is most often a short window of a story. These are too short and incomplete to publish as books. Books are written by this tribe, but first there must be practice and feedback, refining of skill. When involved in creativity, there are wild offshoots, untamed and unpreventable, that must be expressed while the big work like composition of a book goes on. Offshoots too large for magazine publication, and too meaningful to leave unpublished are thus to be found in thick folders and well-used journals, read at times to an interested friend or reread by a discouraged or sentimental author. This blog, where I and my like-quandried friends can post these windows, enables us to share these gifts with the world, to inspire, instruct, and delight you.

Whether they be fantasy, fiction, historical fiction, dramatization of life, or even a mystery, here they will be welcome, in whole or in chapters. You may read each chapter as it arrives, all in a genre, all by an author, or whatever title catches your attention. Use the sidebar links to navigate. Don't forget to comment! Authors need feedback, especially constructive feedback, on their work!

To God be all glory, Lisse.

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